"Health is not just a luxury, it's a foundation upon which we build our lives. It's the key that unlocks doors of opportunity, the currency that allows us to chase our dreams, and the treasure that enriches every moment. Invest in your health, for it is the most valuable asset you possess."


What is Physiotherapy?

Whether your pain is work aggravated, due to injury, or a postural complaint, physiotherapy can alleviate a number of surprising symptoms as well as pain and stiffness.


Physiotherapy is a non-invasive approach that employs exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques to alleviate neck and back pain.

It also addresses underlying causes, such as poor posture or muscle imbalances.

Additionally, physiotherapy can be effective in treating cervicogenic headaches and other health conditions by targeting specific muscles, joints, and nerves to relieve pain, restore mobility, and improve overall function.


What do we treat?

There is a vast range of joint and muscular pains that Physiotherapy is needed to treat, but think of it as your first line of defence with injury, or dysfunction. Some conditions may need more invasive treatment, but Physio is always a good place to start.

We treat every joint in the body!

We treat muscular imbalance, weakness and enhance performance!

The most common conditions we see in Physiotherapy clinics are:

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Knee pain

  • Shoulder pain and disfunction

We also treat common soft-tissue injuries associated with sports and repetitive strains such as:

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Golfer’s Elbow

  • Sciatica

  • Brachial Neuropathies

  • Morton’s Neuroma

"Good posture is not just about looking confident and poised, it's about taking care of your body and allowing it to function optimally."


How does Physiotherapy work?

Diagnostic assessment and testing, treatment planning, and gentle, non-pharmacological interventions such as:

  • Manual therapies

  • Electro-therapies

  • Education

  • Exercises


Physiotherapy treatments and massage are widely recognized as superior to other hands-on therapies due to their evidence-based, targeted approach, based on thorough examination, assessment and diagnosis.

Physiotherapists trained in the UK are among the most highly trained healthcare professionals in the field, as most European counterpart universities only teach delivery of treatments - but not the crucial diagnostic skill. In most countries around the world the medical hierarchy relies on doctor diagnosis and treatment prescription.

The British medical model relies on Physiotherapist diagnosis and treatment prescription, who will only refer on to imaging and other medical services if the condition is not a Physiotherapy problem.

British trained Physiotherapists use their knowledge of anatomy and physiology to assess, diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions. This allows for a targeted treatment approach that can address the root cause of the problem, rather than just providing temporary relief of symptoms.

Physiotherapy modalities include a range of treatment options, including manual therapy, exercise, and education, all of which work together to promote optimal healing and recovery. Massage therapy, a complementary treatment option, can help to further improve outcomes by relaxing muscles, reducing tension, and improving circulation. I believe in providing patients with the best possible care, and am committed to using evidence-based treatments to achieve optimal outcomes.

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The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

A register of British Physiotherapists, check the register